Friday, February 22, 2013

Things Are Changing.

So once again it's been a while since I have posted anything... Not that anyone has missed my post because not very many people follow my blog, but atleast I get my thoughts out! A lot of things have changed since the last time I updated. I'm now avidly working out and starting to make the transition for our family to eat cleaner and healthier. Watched a video about what the govt allows to be put in our foods and it is highly disgusting! No wonder there are so many over weight, and ill people in the United States. We are still dealing with the Army life and our family has adapted quite well to the life I might add. It's not easy (no one ever said it would be) but it is a good life for the most part and my husband is one of the best damn soldiers I have ever seen. I know he will make it far! There are still those types of people that will try to cause drama, or issues and just in general try to bring people down but I have come to realize those people are just unhappy with themselves and their lives and honestly we don't have time for that! I'm on a never ending search to find a job because I think my children are old enough now to go to a babysitter for a few hours a day and I really would like to get back out in the working world and establish myself in a career field, even if I don't know what career I want just yet. That's all for now. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Way I Am

I haven't blogged in a while mainly because I've been busy... But I started thinking about how people talk about others.... Me in particular but hey who's pointing fingers right? I'll be the first to admit that before I got married about 90% of my friends were guys now that I'm married and an Army wife I have some girl friends and a few close guy friends... I still tend to get along with guys better just because I can talk shit with the best of em and take the jokes there lies the problem my attitude can come off as "flirty" I guess to some that don't know me when really I'm just fun to be around and I let most shit roll off my back... Luckily my mister knows my attitude and knows that my talking and joking around with friends is harmless chatter. That being said so that those minds can be laid to rest and the (shit talkers) can be pushed down on their asses. I always have been and will be 100% faithful to my husband... He's the only man that gets me for me and knows my dorkiness, my flaws, and my perfection and accepts me for who I am! Some call it luck I call it fate... We were meant to be :) I will try to blog more, not that there are many ppl following me but it's still nice to get my thoughts out occasionally!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Another Day Down

I have to say I have deff got the hang of things even though I am still extremely emotional about everything but then again I am an emotional person. Not much has been going on still working on weight loss and the two munchkins continue to grow way too fast... On a great note the misters R&R is coming up SOON! Words can not express how unbelivably excited I am! Although I know saying good bye the second time is going to be hard as hell the time I will get to spend with him will get me through all the hard times that are still to come in this deployment... A lil inspiration before I go... At times you may think the world is crumbling down around you but when you feel like falling apart look around see that someone has it worse than you and god is still giving you a million reasons to smile when u only have a few reasons to cry. keep ur head up and push through!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Oh the wonderful Army life

It's been a minute since I've been on so here is a little update from urs truly... The husband has been deployed for way too long... But I have kinda been spoiled with Skyping daily so when he has to do missions and stuff like that it's not fun but we get by i can honestly say the first month was hell stupid fights about stupid shit... But now for the most part we got the hang of things and i think our marriage is stronger than it has ever been. I can tell he misses the kids and me I just wish it was already over...There are rumors that it will be over sooner than planned...But I'm not getting my hopes up because they are just that...RUMORS! It's not like they would tell us dates even if they had em because some wives can't keep their mouths shut and post shit that compromises their safety on fb and other internet sites... I'll totally admit I'm an opsec nazi.... I would rather my husband be completely safe then the internet world know the dates they left! All I know is I miss and love him like hell and can't wait for him to be home it's been way too long since I've been cuddled up in bed with his sexy self

Enough about the Army though....

The kids are doing great rotten as ever but damn I love em they may frustrate me from time to time but no matter how mad they get me they always do something to put a smile on my face...Lil miss is getting her 1 yr molar so she isn't a real happy camper right now... And lil shit is growing and being a rolly polly i feel like he is doing amazing developmentally I hope he continues on the path he is on...

Now to me...

I'm making it through each day some days feel longer than others...But I'm doing it. Good news is I am hopefully starting online classes to become a Pharmacy Tech in Oct so that will be something else to better myself and keep me busy! Im excited and nervous Im terrified of failure but I'm sure I'll make it through!

Well I think thats all... Until next time folks peace n love

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's my life I should be able to live it

Well I thought it was time for an update... I had my post partum appt on Thurs and it went well besides I had to reschedule my pap...Joy lol... The docs said I have post partum depression and put me on zoloft... and honestly I feel completely different after taking it, the overwhelming feeling is gone when something happens I am able to stay calm and not panic... It's nice and I m not ashamed of the fact either.

Baby girl is doing good she walks  pretty much everywhere now she is a mess lol Shes getting her first molars in on both sides of her bottom jaw which makes her super grumpy but all in all she is taking it like a g. I can deffinately tell that she misses her daddy but she gets to see him and talk to him almost every day. I am so thankful for technology and I hope that they continue to have such good access to internet and such although I know I shouldnt get spoiled to it cause every deployment wont be like this unfortunately...

Little man has started sleeping some better. he goes to sleep at 9 and sleeps til  1 or 2  then he  eats and goes back to sleep until 5 or  so and then he wants to eat then be held so that is normally when he ends up laying beside me (yes I know the dangers of co sleeping so please don't judge) We finally found a formula that seems to work for him... It is Enfamil Nutramigen...The powder form. He is my  chunky monkey he already seems bigger than his sister was he isn't fat but I think he has a larger bone structure like me.

Im so blessed to have 2 beautiful children and a wonderful husband and father to them. My life is no where near perfect but it is perfect to me and  in this crazy messed u world I've finally found the spot I am suppose to be at and can honestly say if someone doesnt like me for me   or has a problem with the way I live my life they can go the hell on because Im not changing Im perfectly content with the one or   two friends I do have because they are true friends I dont need the fakeness or the drama in my life any more.

Until next time. See ya

Monday, June 20, 2011

Well we are still alive

Day... Way too many since my husband left and we are all still breathing thats the good news... Its a day to day struggle some being worse than others but each day that passes is another day closer to him being home (thank god)

Little man is doing good he is 5 weeks old and he is starting to sleep better which is helping me not feel as overwhelmed... He looks and acts so much like his daddy and for a 5 week old man does he have some attitude!

Baby girl is 13 months and walking every where I swear I can't keep up with her not to mention she repeats anything anyone says... which isnt always good if you know some of the people she over hears... Shes so smart for her age

Im so proud of both my babies they never cease to amaze me now if only this year was over with and their daddy was back home watching them grow up with me<3

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Its gunna be long and hard... and not in the good way...

Well I can officially say deployments suck but we will get through it compared to all the stuff we've already been through this is gunna be easy... just another bump in the road. I do miss him a lot tho and with a one year old and a three week old there is no denying its tough...

Speaking of a three week old I had our son on May 15th he was 7lbs 7 oz and 20 3/4 an in long my husband was able to be there and it was a great experience and for now we are done with having kids maybe in the future there may be another but not anytime soon.

Well thats it for now :)